

On web pages like this one, sections like this one are supposed to introduce the author as a talented, clever, ambitious and confident person. I have just about 20-30 seconds to gain your attention. First I should prove that I'm awesome, but in so subtle way that you will be convinced that I'm also modest, open for constructive criticism and aware that there are a lot of things to learn. Will I do it? Let me answer by quoting Shakespeare:


Hamlet. Act V, Scene 1, Line 425

Why? That's because I don't believe in everything that I read in the Internet, so I want you not to do it either! I always want to check out everything by myself, so I want you to do same! Text me, interview me, talk with me and ascertain that I'm the one you need! To have a pleasent conversation we should have a background about our interests and hobbies! Here are some of mine:

  • Software Engineering, IT Management - I love to do things from scratch and plan them first! I'm really excited with implementing software design that I created by myself, basing on user's requirements, interviews and user's stories. I deeply believe in agile methodologies so I follow them as much as I can!
  • Software architecture - I'm focused on developing my knowledge and skills in this area. I find microservices approach incredibly clever and innovative - that's why I'm exploring this idea in the context of Cloud Computing. I'm still not experienced so I'll be pleased to exchange thoughts in this area.
  • Software security - I feel big respect for this sector of IT! It's very important and we still(!) are not taking it for granted! Every time I face some access security issue I try to push the frontier of my knowledge in this field.
Am I a geek? Yes I am. But it is said that a successful professional is able to find a perfect work-life balance by being passionate not only with one's work but also having other interests. Here are some of mine:
  • astronomy
  • theology
  • football (english Premiership)
  • politics

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